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Ultimate setup

So far, we have been running vitest, vite and dom-preview in separate shells.

The package provides a way to simplify this and vitest --ui provides a nice way to see the test results.

What I have been ending up is the following setup

npm install --save-dev npm-run-all @vitest/ui

In the package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "run-p dev:*",
    "dev:unit": "vitest --ui",
    "dev:server": "vite --port=5173",
    "dev:dom-preview": "dom-preview --proxy-to=http://localhost:5173"

No, when you run

npm run dev

it will start the vite dev-server, the vitest ui and the dom-preview server. It will run tests as the files change, show previews in dom-preview and you are also able to test your app in the live-server.

This is what I usually use and this is what I would recommend.