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Assets and Images

dom-preview does not know about your project setup. If you are using vite and your component is showing an image that is loaded via an import or from the public folder, then dom-preview will probably not show the image.

But, the vite dev-server knows where to find this image. It knows the rules. And in other frameworks, you will have dev-servers as well...

The solution is to run the dev-server

vite --port 5173

and then run dom-preview with the --proxy-to option

dom-preview --proxy-to=http://localhost:5173

(it is important NOT to put a / at the end).

Now, dom-preview will proxy all requests that do not go to /__dom-preview__/ to the vite dev-server, which allows it to show images correctly.

Global CSS

We often import CSS either directly in the index.html file or in the main.ts file of our frontend. That CSS will not be loaded into JSDOM, if we only import our test and the component under test.

We do not want to import the css in a setupFile, because this might slow down tests.

Since you only need the CSS when calling the debug function, I suggest that you create a file showMe.ts that delegates to debug and imports the global styles:


import { debug } from "dom-preview";
import "@/styles.css";

export function showMe(alias?: string) {

Then, you always use that file instead of using debug directly.

Attaching inside an app element

I encountered a caveat where not all styles where applied to the element, because the CSS contained rules like

#app {
  text-align: center;

In this case, you need to make sure that your component is also attached inside an #app element. With the @testing-library/vue, you can do this by providing a container element.